One coder's view of the world of technology, politics, and whatever else strikes his fancy.
I was trying to make a custom race and the racial abilities always had this +25% soldiering and +10% loyalty for some reason. I would LOVE to get these points and apply them to some other racial abilities....namely trade. Any ideas on how to do this? Is this a bug?
on Apr 10, 2006

Can't do it.

The Custom race rocks by default. But it has no real "Race" abilities so once you touch those points you lose it. Sorry.

on Apr 10, 2006
thats irritaitng...I wanted to make an uber trading / uber diplomacy race...somewhat like the humans but totlaly focused on diplo and trading

The in game stuff says "customize to whatever you like" and this isn't exactly true which is frustrating
on Apr 10, 2006
Actually you can. Save a custom race. (Any will do, you can fix the abilities you buy later.) In my documents go to my games, then galciv 2. Edit the file thats named something.raceconfig. Go down to the list of abilities and edit the numbers to your hearts content. If you edit the number to a non-standard one (I.E. editing loyalty to 100) then it is kept there and costs no points. Save the file and load up the race. Easy as pie.
on Apr 11, 2006
erm, are those races allowed on metaverse?
on Apr 11, 2006
I seriously doubt it. I personally never was very competitive, so I don't really do the metaverse thing.
on Apr 11, 2006
If you take a look at the default races (Terrans, Yor, etc) you will notice that some have a lot of abilities that do not match up to the selectable values. A couple have a ton of abilities/modifiers. Seems that the ability point tab needs to have better validation.
on Apr 11, 2006
i totally agree....and if those races have hidden negative factors, we should be able to make a custom race wtih negatives
on Apr 11, 2006
most likely trying this in conjunction with metaverse will result in a cheater flagged game.