One coder's view of the world of technology, politics, and whatever else strikes his fancy.
In 1.0, the Iconians were always it seems that they are good? Was ths a change in versions?
on May 03, 2006
Yes, they changed it.
on May 03, 2006
Yes, the Iconians are Good now, which means they cause much more destruction and chaos throughout the galaxy.

I think the current Emperor Iso must actually be the son of the Emperor Iso from v1.0x, and that very soon after being selected as leader, he started asserting things like "all of them other races is hiding weapons of mass destruction" and "we're gonna smoke 'em out of their wormholes"...
on May 03, 2006
Yes, the Iconians are Good now, which means they cause much more destruction and chaos throughout the galaxy.

I think the current Emperor Iso must actually be the son of the Emperor Iso from v1.0x, and that very soon after being selected as leader, he started asserting things like "all of them other races is hiding weapons of mass destruction" and "we're gonna smoke 'em out of their wormholes"..

I can't stop laughing.

Is he off to finish his father's war with them Yor sons-of-bitches?
on May 03, 2006
Mission Accomplished!!1!!1!
on May 03, 2006
N-1, Wanted Dead or Alive
on May 03, 2006
What about the 52 most wanted Drengins?
on May 03, 2006
What, the ones they have no hope whatsoever of catching?
on May 04, 2006
I don't know. I played a game on "Tough" last night and they started going evil. They didn't align, but they were leaning that way. It might have been a random thing, since I got a weird pop-up window saying that "the formerly ethical Iconians are turning to evil".
on May 04, 2006
I don't know. I played a game on "Tough" last night and they started going evil. They didn't align, but they were leaning that way. It might have been a random thing, since I got a weird pop-up window saying that "the formerly ethical Iconians are turning to evil".

Civilizations will occasionally flip ethical alignments. This is however, extremely rare.

Some civilizations just should not be ethical.
on May 04, 2006
One can force their hand if xeno ethics is already yours. Sell the tech to the AI and it will push them into making the choice. I often find that the AI does exactly what I didn't want it to do...which is great. I am a strong believer in Murphy, especially when it comes to war. No plan survives first contact with the enemy...
on May 04, 2006
Civilizations will occasionally flip ethical alignments. This is however, extremely rare.

Some civilizations just should not be ethical.

What I think he meant was that the AI get the ethical events, just like you. And the Torians and Iconians pick the evil ones. I once had (before xeno ethics, without any flipping) neutral Torians with some suspicious bonuses. Green skinned little sods